fredag 30 januari 2015

Peek of the week 6 - The 50 states of the USA

En ny "peek of the week" har dykt upp på Pernilla's English Classroom - denna vecka handlar det om de 50 amerikanska delstaterna. I vilken delstat är det förbjudet att ta med sig ett lejon till biografen? Eller ha en sovande åsna i badkaret efter klockan 19???  Ta reda på det genom att titta in på min engelska blogg.

lördag 24 januari 2015

Peek of the week 5 - Canva

Veckans nya "peek of the week" är uppe på Pernilla's English Classroom. Det handlar denna vecka om det digitala verktyget Canva och hur det kan användas i undervisningen. :)

lördag 17 januari 2015

Peek of the week 4 - Keep Calm and Carry On

(Picture: courtesy of

KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON. The poster is well-known and today you can find it as a framed poster on someone's wall as a nice piece of interior design. But what is the original story? Take a look at the following video, as it tells the story behind the ubiquitous message:

So, the poster in red, with white capital letters, and King GeorgeVI's crown, was meant to carry a safety message to the British people during World War II. However, it never reached the Brits during the war - since the Germans never invaded the country and - hence, the poster was never distributed. After the war it was believed to have been destroyed and not found until around the year 2000, in a book shop called Barter Books, located in the north of England. After the discovery among some dusty old books, it quickly became popular and copied onto mugs, t-shirts, books, plates, cushions and so on. Webpages solely dedicated to the catchphrase started and soon the colors and the text itself changed to other messages. In my opinion, the original is striking and invincible in its simplicity, though. Keep calm and carry on.  

söndag 11 januari 2015

lördag 3 januari 2015

Peek of the week 2 - William Shakespeare

I'm continuing with the "peeks", so have a look at "peek of the week 2". The Bard is the subject this time. :)

På grund av byte av tjänst under vårterminen kommer denna blogg inte att uppdateras lika ofta som tidigare. Istället kommer jag att fokusera mer på Pernilla's English Classroom då min nya tjänst endast kommer innehålla engelska. Den nya bloggen har flikar som innehållar många länkar och en viss uppdelning i förmågor i engelska. Ta en titt, se vad du kan använda dig av och lycka till!